Postharvest Technologies

We guarantee the authenticity of the agri-food chain, over time.

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The experience in the industrial refrigeration sector allowed us to develop different technologies in the postharvest area. With the aim of positively impacting the agri-food supply chain and offering healthy products, preserving and improving their quality and marketability.


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Ozono-Sanificazione® brand comes from the ten-year know-how of our company in the treatment of air and water by means of ozone gas. In the agri-food sector, particularly in the fruit and vegetable sector, ozone is widely used throughout the supply chain: In preharvest, greenhouse, cold storage and processing phases.
Ozone gas plays an important role against bacteria, viruses, moulds, fungi, spores and smells. The action against pathogens is significant as it allows to reduce losses and deterioration of products.
Ozone is formed from oxygen (O2 > O3) and thanks to its short half-life, once its action is complete, it decays into oxygen and leaves no residue on the product (unlike chlorine).

Ozone features permit to satisfy unparalleled requirements in terms of safety and healthiness of the products.
In the cold storage of fruit and vegetables, for example, ozone gas can reduce the concentration of ethylene, one of the main antagonists of product shelf life, as it is the main cause of fruit ripening. The presence of ozone gas in cold rooms makes possible to increase the humidity value: Thus,a reduction of product weight loss is reachable. Finally, ozone proves to be a valid ally against cross-contamination, which is to saya diseased fruit infects a healthy fruit.
The results we get in the ozone sanitation sector are the proof of our intense research & development activities we carry out routinely with universities and research centers.

The application of ozone represents a qualitative advantage of great value, to which we wanted to dedicate a specific website for in-depth analysis

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Studies and tests carried out in cooperation with universities

Application of low-dose ozone gas in fruit&veg cold storage

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Application of ozone gas to reduce ethylene in the fruit&vegpost-harvest storage

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Ozono-Sanificazione® is a member of EuOTA, the European association for the ozone trade, in order to help regulate the correct diffusion of protocols for the use of ozone as a biocide in the sector.

Kakifruit tannins neutralization treatment (Lotosweet® brand)

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The kakifruit tannins neutralization treatment (a process aimed at making tannins insoluble) neutralizes the astringent flavour of the kakifruit. Our technology, registered under the Lotosweet® brand, uses natural carbon dioxide (E 290, certified for food use), without leaving any residue on the product. Thanks to this process, the astringency of the fruit is neutralized when it is still turgid, making it sweet and crunchy, improving the taste and appearance, without waiting for it to ripen.

Thanks to this treatment:

  • The result is a fruit characterized by excellent organoleptic properties
  • The result is a fruit characterized by ease of consumption
  • Business opportunities improve
  • The fruit is processed when it is not yet ripe and this facilitates the processing, packaging and distribution phases.

Disinsection of cereals

Disinsection aims to eradicate and prevent infestations by insects (in all their phases: Eggs, larvae and adults) in dry food products, which cause a reduction in yield and crop loss. The natural disinsection system for cereals, legumes, grains and dried fruit makes use of CO2 certified for food use (E 290) and consists of rooms in insulated and resinated material with special gas-tight doors, automatic management and concentration of CO2, ventilation, humidity and temperature, for the effectiveness of the treatment and in the respect and safety of the operators. The CO2 used does not leave any residue on the treated product. The effect of carbon dioxide thus increases safety and quality, without leaving residues, obtaining a process that is safe for the environment, producers and consumers.

Main strengths of the technology:

  • Duration of the cycle from a few hours to a few days, according to customer’s needs
  • Modularity and customization
  • Use of big bags and products packed on pallets
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  • Possibility of partial gas recovery for multiple systems
  • Automated &remote-managed process control system
  • Technological innovation and total automation (4.0 Industry)
  • Possibility of small-scale tests.

Ripening and Degreening


The ripening technology is suitable for fruits which, such as bananas, are harvested when still immature and unripe as the production countries are often far from the marketing countries This is to avoid over-ripening and consequent deterioration during the journey. Once arrived at their destination, these fruits are stored in cold rooms and brought to maturity according to the needs of the market. In this phase it is possible to apply particular accelerated & controlled ripening techniques which, in a short time (48/72 hours), allow the fruits to reach the final markets and the consumers in optimal conditions of colour, ripeness and taste. The ripening technology is carried out through the setting of parameters related to the gas concentrations in the atmosphere. It is a process that leaves no residue on the product and is achieved without the use of chemicals.


In the initial phase of harvesting some fruits, such as citrus fruits,even if ripe internally and ready to be consumed, have not yet completed the colour of the peel which is therefore lively and unattractive for the consumers. Thanks to the degreening technology, the active principle of ethylene is applied, a natural gas produced by the fruit itself in the ripening phase: The result will be a fruit with the desired appearance, without altering the taste.